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Emotional Value Proposition - AI In the Classroom - Volume IX

Note: If you're new to the series, read on (or refer to Post 1).

Note: If you're not new to this blog series, feel free to go here.

It's no secret endurance is important to me. As an educator and consultant, it's my core mission. Essentially, endurance plays a pivotal role in various aspects of life, contributing significantly to personal growth, success, and overall well-being. A couple that come to mind in terms of the reasoning of this post series about enduring within the artificial intelligence frontier (in terms of education) include . . .

Achieving Goals: Many worthwhile goals require perseverance and resilience. Endurance helps individuals stay committed and overcome obstacles along the way. Whether it's in academics, career pursuits, or personal development, the ability to endure challenges is essential for progress.

Career Success: In the professional world, endurance is often key to success. It allows individuals to withstand the pressures, setbacks, and demands of their careers. Those who can persevere through challenges tend to excel and achieve their long-term career aspirations.

Personal Growth: Endurance contributes significantly to personal growth and self-improvement. It enables individuals to push beyond their comfort zones, embrace discomfort, and take on new challenges. This continual growth is essential for self-development.

Leadership and Decision-making: Endurance is a quality often admired in leaders. Leaders who exhibit endurance inspire confidence, navigate uncertainties, and make steadfast decisions even in challenging situations.

In essence, endurance is not merely about enduring hardships; it's about the ability to persist, grow, and thrive despite challenges, ultimately leading to personal development and success in various facets of life . . . in this case, the educational frontier.

There's no shortage of artificial intelligence applications currently, and the pool to choose from is growing by the minute. For the purpose of this post, we will focus on validating information found on artificial platforms, such as Chat GPT.

One skill that is paramount in working within artificial intelligence as an information/material provider is the ability to write very good prompts! To ensure you obtain the information you're hoping to attain, you must practice your prompting skills.

Let's try it shall we?

All educators . . . imagine you are trying to motivate your students to get pumped up to learn a particular area of study. Depending on the students, time of year and a multitude of other factors, this can be a daunting task. For our example, I'm choosing the novel, The Book Thief. Let's see if we can utilize AI prompting techniques to give us a leg up, as we head into this educational/motivational challenge!

Application: Chat GPT

Prompt Format: Emotional Value Proposition Framework

Prompt: Using the 'Emotional Value Proposition' framework, please write a motivational campaign outline that speaks to the [emotional impact] of [ideal student persona] and presents my [The Book Thief literary study] as the solution that will fulfill those needs. Identify the [empathy], create a [anticipatory set] that evokes that emotion, and include [testimonials] from students who have experienced that emotion after using my [The Book Thief literary study].

Output: See below

*Note: Part of working as a 'team' with artificial intelligence is to provide personal feelings, experience, anecdotes, etc. to coincide with the framework it provides you!

*My creation (RED ARROW) based on the framework provided by ChatGPT. In working as a team, I know that I don't have to use everything it provides. It's simply a template to get my creative juices flowing.

*My creation (RED ARROW) based on the framework provided by ChatGPT. In working as a team, I know that I don't have to use everything it provides. It's simply a template to get my creative juices flowing.

*My creation (RED ARROWS) based on the framework provided by ChatGPT. In working as a team, I know that I don't have to use everything it provides. It's simply a template to get my creative juices flowing.


*Reflection is perhaps the most important step in this entire process. Reflection is crucial for personal growth, learning, and development. It involves taking time to contemplate, analyze, and evaluate experiences, thoughts, actions, or situations. Reflect on this experience, to extract meaningful lessons and insights. By examining what worked well and what didn’t, you can gain a deeper understanding of future creations, enabling you to make more informed decisions in the future.

*Need help bringing your work environment into the fold of artificial intelligence progression and integration, feel free to contact us and bring New Horizons Global to help you along the journey!

Be on the lookout for Part 10 in this new blog post series from Teach4Endurance!

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